When it comes to salt, people naturally think about its effect on blood pressure. They think, “Too much salt in my diet will increase my blood pressure.” But not everyone who has a lot of salt develops high blood pressure. Do you know someone who eats lots of salty food like pizza, pickles, and junk food items but has naturally low blood pressure? That person may be salt-resistant, which means his or her blood pressure doesn’t rise very much in response to a diet high in salt (sodium chloride). In contrast, other people are salt-sensitive, which means their blood pressure rises by 5 points or more if they switch from a low-sodium to a high-sodium diet.
You may have heard conflicting reports about whether restricting salt in your diet can help lower your blood pressure if it is elevated or reduces your risk of developing high blood pressure if it is normal. The reports indicated that too much salt can upset your body’s fluid balance, and that can lead to high blood pressure. In recent years, however, medical scientists have learned that some people are salt-sensitive while others are not and that salt sensitivity is determined by your genes. Someday, no! Today, it is possible to do a simple test which is SCAN-DNA. You can find out who is genetically salt-sensitive, doctors agree that lowering dietary salt is a good step for most people. That doesn’t just mean going easy on the salt shaker. You also need to learn to read food labels to check for sodium content. An estimated 75 percent of the salt in our diet comes from processed foods and baked goods. Once you do the SCAN- DNA test, you will receive a tailor-made Nutrition plan and exercise plan. If you follow the provided Nutrition and exercise plan properly you don’t have to have a fear about blood pressure anymore.